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Certified Fitter of Therapeutic Shoes Pre Certification Course

SKU: CFTS Pre Certification Course
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This ABC-approved online class meets all the prerequisite requirements for persons looking to become a Certified Fitter of Therapeutic Shoes approved by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC). 

In this ABC-approved online class, the information will be presented in two parts. The first being a pre-recorded, on-demand video covering all the required course content. The second part is a live, virtual Zoom meeting, which is scheduled after completion of the first section. The entirety of this process along with the check out and assessment quizzes should be 16 hours. 

Upon completion, you should have all the necessary tools and knowledge to correctly answer all the questions asked on the ABC administered Certification Exam. 


Anodyne’s Co-Founder, Billy Kanter CPED teaches both aspects of this course. Billy has over 15 years of Pedorthic experience, and has spent most of his life in the footwear industry. From fitting to manufacturing, there’s a wealth of knowledge that he possesses.

Certification: ABC/BOC Accredited Online Webinar 

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